1600h-1603h RPDO mapping parameter N

N has a range 1 to 4 in order of the object.

N has a range 1 to 4 in order of the object.

AKD2G supports four receive PDOs that can be dynamically mapped. Dynamic mapping allows the content of the PDO to be changed while the drive is running. The contents of these PDOs are defined by the values written in these objects.

See Fixed PDO Mappings and Flexible PDO Mappings

  Index Sub-Indexes
RxPDO 1 1600h 0 to 32 (4 on CANClosed"Controller area network" CAN is a broadcast, differential serial bus standard developed for connecting electronic control units. Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously bus)
RxPDO 2 1601h 0 to 32 (4 on CAN bus)
RxPDO 3 1602h 0 to 32 (4 on CAN bus)
RxPDO 4 1603h 0 to 32 (4 on CAN bus)

Sub-index 0 contains the number of objects mapped into a PDO. A value of 0 indicates this PDO is not active.

Sub-indexes 1 to 32 describe which objects are mapped into each PDO.

31 to 16 15 to 8 7 to 0
Index Sub-Index Length (bits)


1600h sub-index 0 = 2 (2 objects mapped for RX PDO 1)

1600h sub-index 1 = 0x60400010 means index 6040h sub-index 0 (control word), bit length of 16 (2 bytes)

1600h sub-index 2 = 0x607A0020 means index 607Ah sub-index 0 (target position), bit length of 32 (4 bytes)


Name Index Sub-Index Data Type Float Scale Units Access PDO Mappable
Highest sub-index supported 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 0h Unsigned8 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 1 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 2 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 2h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 3 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 3h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 4 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 4h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 5 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 5h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 6 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 6h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 7 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 7h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 8 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 8h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 9 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 9h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 10 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Ah Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 11 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Bh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 12 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Ch Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 13 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Dh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 14 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Eh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 15 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h Fh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 16 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 10h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 17 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 11h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 18 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 12h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 19 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 13h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 20 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 14h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 21 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 15h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 22 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 16h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 23 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 17h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 24 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 18h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 25 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 19h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 26 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Ah Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 27 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Bh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 28 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Ch Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 29 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Dh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 30 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Eh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 31 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 1Fh Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No
Mapping entry 32 1600h, 1601h, 1602h, 1603h 20h Unsigned32 - - Read/Write No